Bold Words, Broken Hearts
I was laying in an MRI machine looking up at this image of a maple tree on the ceiling. The first of many experiences that I thought I'd never have. I was trying to lay perfectly still as they snapped x-rays of my lower half. I remember feeling like I needed the toilet, but measuring the number of classical songs I'd heard, there must've been four, so at an average of four minutes each, we must nearly be done. I sighed. Please nearly be done. "Okay, Jessica, you can get up now. You may experience some dizziness or blurryness, so feel free to sit for a while if you need to." I stood immediately and wandered off to get changed back into my clothes. Somewhere between having gotten dressed and leaving the MRI room, my vision blurred, but I slowly made my way back to Jon who was waiting outside in the car. When I returned to the gynecologist, a week or two later, he had results for me. "Everything internal is normal. Which is obviously good news. In terms of ...