The Put-Off


It's funny as I work backwards through this journey of mine and retrace my steps, I now remember another reason why I put off this journey. 

You see, when I got my adult teeth, I developed a severe overbite. 14mm to be precise! This was an inherited condition, my mother had the same and to a slightly lesser extent my grandmother. 

So as we began to explore things like braces, which had been held off, because I appeared tall for my age. (Doctors advised us to wait for me to stop growing to avoid teeth movement.) I had to go see all kinds of specialists as I had ear pain causes by jaw. 

What eventuated was being told that I would need braces. I would also need to have my jaw broken and pulled forward. Which is an 8 week process, being unable to eat any solid foods or brush your teeth. From all those appointments and particularly the ones with the cranio-facial specialist, I learned that my jaw was wearing away and they believed I had rheumatoid arthritis. 

So anywho, that was a big reason why I put of my sexual health, because at the time this felt more pressing and overwhelming. 

It's weird how these things can come back to you at the strangest of types.

It was basically as I let this part of my health become less of a focus, I could prioritise the next challenging, which was just as equally daunting. I


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